National Cultural Dialogue discusses work program

The National Cultural Dialogue has discussed the status of its work program for the 2016-2020 period. The discussion focused on the planned realignment of federal financial support for museums and collections.

Photo: Stefan Maurer (

The cultural dispatch for the 2016-2020 funding period provides for a change in the system for operating grants to museums and collections. According to the will of Parliament, federal operating grants will now be awarded in an application process from 2018. Previously, recipients were determined directly as part of the federal government's cultural message. The realignment will be based on a funding concept from the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA), which sets out the relevant requirements and criteria.

The National Cultural Dialogue expressed a positive opinion on the thrust of the new museum policy. The funding concept will come into force on January 1, 2017. Applications for operating contributions can be submitted from the beginning of January 2017 until March 31, 2017.

The 2016-2020 work program also provides for measures in the areas of literature promotion, monument preservation, cultural participation and libraries. The aim is to meet common challenges through increased cooperation and coordination. The National Cultural Dialogue will be chaired by the Association of Cities in 2016. The most recent meeting was chaired by Sami Kanaan, Head of the City of Geneva's Department of Culture and Sport.

The National Cultural Dialogue was established in 2011 and brings together representatives of the political authorities and cultural representatives from the cantons, cities, municipalities and the Confederation. Its work is based on an agreement from 2011 and the 2016-2020 work programme adopted in April 2016. The political authorities form the strategic steering body of the National Cultural Dialogue with the head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA), representatives of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK), the Swiss Association of Cities (SSV) and the Swiss Association of Communes (SGV).

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