Music prizes 2016 of the canton of Bern

The 2016 Music Prizes of the Canton of Bern, each worth CHF 15,000, go to the composer Christian Henking, the violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja, the singer Andreas Schaerer and the solo project Strotter Inst. by Christoph Hess. The jazz pianist Marie Kruttli receives the "Coup de cœur 2016" prize for young talent in the amount of CHF 3,000.

Strotter Inst. photo: zvg

Christian Henking studied with Cristobal Halffter and Edison Denissov. He received important impulses from Wolfgang Rihm and György Kurtag. His opera "Figaro¿" premiered at the Theater Orchester Biel Solothurn in 2014.

Violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja, who has lived in Bern for many years, has performed as a soloist with numerous renowned European orchestras alongside conductors such as Sir Roger Norrington, Philippe Herreweghe and Thomas Hengelbrock.

Andreas Schaerer studied singing and composition in Bern. He performs with the group "Hildegard Lernt Fliegen", in a duo with Lucas Niggli, in a trio with the two Viennese musicians Martin Eberle and Peter Rom and, most recently, with Bobby Mc Ferrin. Schaerer has been teaching jazz singing, improvisation and ensemble playing at Bern University of the Arts since 2010.

The architect, performer and musician Christoph Hess is behind the solo project Strotter Inst. whose name deliberately includes the instrument as well as the installation. In his concerts, he uses prepared record players to generate increasingly complex, layered sound and rhythm structures.

After studying classical music for several years, pianist Marie Kruttli discovered jazz. She continued her studies in Lausanne with Emil Spanyi, then in Lucerne with Hans Feigenwinter. As a composer and pianist, she founded her own trio in 2010, and as a pianist she has already played with numerous well-known jazz musicians.

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