City of Bern awards work scholarships

The Music Commission of the City of Bern is offering work scholarships for 2017. They are intended for the development of professionals of all styles who are active in the fields of songwriting, improvisation, composition, arrangement, interpretation and sound art.

Photo: kookykrys/

According to the city's announcement, the work grants are intended to "promote the diversity and quality of music produced in Bern". Support is provided, for example, for research and preliminary work on a specific topic, the development of projects and project drafts or the continuation and completion of work already begun. The grants are intended to enable the recipients to concentrate on a specific musical work with less financial pressure for the duration of the funding.

When submitting an application, a clear connection to the music scene in the city of Bern must be evident. Support is given to musicians, bands and ensembles who can demonstrate several years of artistic activity in their field. The criteria for the award are primarily quality, independence, creative power and continuity of work.

The Music Commission allocates a credit tranche of CHF 60,000 for this funding. After reviewing the submissions, it decides how many work grants will be awarded and in what amount.

Applications can be submitted until October 31, 2016 in 9 copies with 9 cover sheets to Kultur Stadt Bern, Effingerstrasse 21, 3008 Bern.

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