Yes to talent promotion from the Graubünden cantonal government

The government approves three talent development programs in the areas of sport and music. The support program of the Evangelische Mittelschule Schiers in the area of music from the third to the sixth grammar school class is approved.

Photo: Eli Academia Engiadina / Wikimedia Commons

In addition, the Academia Engiadina support program in the area of music is approved from the first to the sixth year of secondary school and from the first to the third year of technical secondary school. The approvals of all three talent development programs apply retroactively to 1 August 2015.

Based on the law on secondary schools in the canton of Graubünden, secondary schools can support pupils with special talents. Private secondary schools with approved support programs are paid an annual talent allowance of CHF 1,000 per participating student.

The support program of the Sport-Gymnasium Davos Foundation in the area of sport from the third to the seventh year of secondary school and from the first to the fourth year of commercial secondary school has also been approved.




Main building of Academia Engiadina in Samedan 

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