Zurich residents say yes to Tonhalle renovation

Zurich's Tonhalle and the neighboring Kongresshaus can be renovated. The Zurich electorate approved the corresponding measures by an overwhelming 75 percent.

Photo: Jürg-Peter Hug/WikiCommons

In a statement, the Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich writes that the conditions are now in place to ensure that the Haus am See will be able to host first-class concerts and congresses for decades to come. All preparatory work for the interim seasons has been pushed ahead in such a way that nothing stands in the way of the concert hall being built on the Maag site on time.

The vote in Zurich was on the renovation and conversion of the Kongresshaus and Tonhalle (CHF 165 million), a contribution to the Tonhalle temporary building (maximum CHF 1.65 million) and a debt relief for the existing sponsors of the Kongresshaus (CHF 72.8 million) with expenditure totaling CHF 239.45 million.

The yes vote also approved a land transfer, an annual contribution to the Kongresshaus Foundation of a maximum of CHF 2.9 million and an increase in the annual contribution to the Tonhalle Society of CHF 2.5 million.

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