Schaffhausen promotes Aderi and Odermatt

The city and canton of Schaffhausen are supporting a Kenya project by musician Joana Aderi with CHF 17,500 and the realization of a CD by Jörg Odermatt's band Papst & Abstinenzler with CHF 15,000.

Pope & teetotaler. Photo: buerobureau

A total of 24 applicants submitted dossiers for the grants. The Board of Trustees awarded 7 grants. The aim of the grants from the Canton and City of Schaffhausen is to provide substantial support for the most convincing applications. The Board of Trustees decides independently on the amount of support; the minimum amount is CHF 15,000.

  • The musician Joana Aderi (*1977) receives a grant of CHF 17,500 to realize a music project in exchange with Kenya.
  • The writer Ursula Fricker receives a grant of CHF 17,500 to complete a new novel manuscript.
  • The musician Jörg Odermatt (*1962) receives a grant of CHF 15,000 to produce a studio album with his band Papst & Abstinenzler.
  • The artist Rebekka Gnädinger (*1982) receives a grant of CHF 15,000 to support her artistic work as Artist in Residence in St. Louis, Senegal.
  • The director and screenwriter Felix Tissi (*1955) receives a grant of CHF 15,000 to realize a screenplay for a planned film.
  • The artist duo Rubén Fructuoso (*1987) and Beat Wipf (*1982) will receive a grant of CHF 15,000 to realize a project that addresses the topicality of religious mania in the form of an installation.
  • The artist duo Ralf Schlatter (*1971) and Anna-Katharina Rickert (*1973) alias schön & gut will receive a grant of CHF 15,000 to develop a new program.
  • The two studio scholarships (6 months in Berlin) go to the artist Judith Kakon (*1988) and the artist Andreas Dal Cero (*1964).

The canton and city of Schaffhausen have been awarding grants to creative artists in Schaffhausen for 15 years. The total amount available for awarding is 110,000 francs.

The applications are assessed and judged by an independent panel of experts. This year, in addition to the representatives of the authorities Cristina Baumgartner-Spahn, Jens Lampater, Marion Preuss and Roland E. Hofer, the experts were Beatrice Stoll (Chair, Literature), Moritz Müllenbach (Music), Caroline Minjolle (Dance and Theater) and Alexandra Blättler (Art).

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