"No to the Salle Modulable" initiative fails

The collection period for the initiative "No to the Salle Modulable - Save our oases 'Inseli and Ufschötti'" expired on May 18, 2016. According to the city of Lucerne, the initiative committee did not submit any signatures to the city chancellery.

Photomontage: New Theater Lucerne/Salle Modulable at the Inseli site. www.sallemodulabe.ch

The initiative was launched in March by the BDP Stadt Luzern. The party accepts neither the location nor the costs for the planned music theater. Of the estimated 208 million francs, only 80 million would be covered by a fund. In addition, 31 million in operating costs would have to be expected, according to a BDP press release.

According to the BDP, the city of Lucerne has "no money for such a project and there is still no sign of any potential sponsors". It feared that the city would ultimately have to pay for the KKL, the old Stadttheater and, if realized, also for the Salle Modulable, which would be a "financial death blow" for the city and "an affront to everyone".

Apparently, the BD city party, which was only founded in January of this year, has not succeeded in convincing enough voters of this view of things.

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