Richard Dubugnon sues the OSR

According to an article in "Le Temps", composer Richard Dubugnon wants to take legal action against the Orchestre de la Suisse romande (OSR). The point of contention is projects with him as composer in residence that did not materialize.

Photo: zvg

As Dubugnon explains to the newspaper, the former managing director Miguel Esteban had considered the joint project, but suspended it after his departure. His successor, Henk Swinnen, returned to the idea. However, Swinnen was also replaced - ad interim by Jean-Pierre Rousseau.

The joint residency project, which had already been announced in the OSR's brochures, would have included a composition commission, a CD, a work for a young audience and music education projects. However, the OSR has announced that it will cancel these projects altogether. According to Foundation President Florence Notter, there were only informal agreements between Swinnen and Dubougnon regarding the collaboration. However, the OSR has other plans.

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