"Marignano March" becomes the Valais anthem

At an official ceremony on the Plantaplatz in Sion, the "Valais Song" and, as its instrumental version, Jean Daetwyler's "Marignano March" were officially adopted as the cantonal anthem.

Photo : © Jean Mayerat

Even though the Valais song was already regarded as the canton's anthem, it had not yet been officially recognized. As the President of the Government and the President of the Grand Council explained, the official recognition should serve to consolidate cantonal unity and "convey a sense of Valais culture" to residents and visitors to the canton.

According to the canton's press release, President of the State Council Jacques Melly and President of the Grand Council Nicolas Voide signed the corresponding document in front of an audience and representatives of the authorities. The official instrumental and vocal versions of the newly appointed cantonal anthem were performed by the Sion Music Society and singer Sylvie Bourban.

In 1939, Jean Daetwyler was commissioned by the Central Valais Music Association to compose a "Marignano March". The musician, originally from Basel, wanted to incorporate the "Valais Song" (composer: Ferdinand Otto Wolf; text: Leo Luzian von Roten) into the march to express his attachment to the canton of Valais.

Daetwyler co-founded the cantonal music conservatory in Sion in 1949 and was also active as a conductor of various choirs and other musical formations.


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