Basel delays adaptation of cultural model

The new Basel-Stadt cultural mission statement is not expected to be published until 2020. The reason for the postponement is the negotiations on the cultural contract with the Canton of Basel-Landschaft and a change of management in the Presidential Department.

Handover of the petition on the BL/BS cultural partnership in fall 2015. photo: Andy Tobler

The cultural mission statement will have a significant impact on the cultural policy of the Canton of Basel-Stadt over the next ten years. For this reason, the Government Council considers it important that the new departmental management can steer the development process. The negotiations between Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft for the continuation of the content are also strategic. The Government Council has therefore decided not to start work on the mission statement in summer 2016 as planned. It intends to define the next steps and timetable after the change of leadership in the Presidential Department.

The cultural mission statement of the Canton of Basel-Stadt (2012-2017) sets out the current challenges of cultural policy and defines the criteria and objectives of state funding in the area of cultural creation. In doing so, the Government Council is fulfilling the legal mandate of the Cultural Promotion Act.

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