St. Gallen wants to review Klanghaus decision

On March 1, 2016, the construction of the Klanghaus Toggenburg failed in the final vote of the St.Gallen cantonal parliament. The government wants to pursue the project further and examine the reasons for the failure of the proposal.

Exterior simulation of the planned sound house. Image: nightnurse images, Zurich

With 56 votes in favor and 43 against, Klanghaus Toggenburg failed to achieve the qualified majority of 61 votes in the final vote. This means that the project cannot be put to the St.Gallen electorate for the time being. According to the canton's press release, the government regrets the decision. It "sees this as a missed opportunity for Toggenburg and the entire canton of St.Gallen". 

As a first step, the reasons for the failure of the building proposal in the final vote will now be recorded and weighted. The Department of Construction and the Department of Home Affairs will analyze the points of criticism together with the municipality of Wildhaus-Alt St. Johann, Klangwelt Toggenburg and other interested parties. The government would like to reassess the current situation by the summer vacations, carry out any necessary clarifications and then decide whether and in what form the project can be resumed.

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