Yes to the Toggenburg Sound House means

The St. Gallen cantonal council has allowed itself an irritating cultural policy scurrility: it says yes to the Klanghaus Toggenburg, but buries the project anyway.

Interior simulation of the planned sound house. Image: nightnurse images, Zurich

As the canton writes, the decision to build the Toggenburg Sound House was approved in the final vote with 56 votes in favor, 43 against and 6 abstentions. However, the required qualified majority of 61 votes was not achieved due to the high absentee rate of council members. The project will therefore not even be put to the people.

According to an initial statement on its website, IG Klanghaus is "shocked and surprised by the failure of the Klanghaus at this stage". It seems particularly bitter that after a clear approval in the first and second readings, 15 cantonal council members were absent from the final vote.

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