Schwyz sends Opilik to New York

In 2017, the cantons of Zug, Schwyz and Uri are granting four artists a residency at the Central Swiss cantons' studio in New York, including singer and music educator Lydia Opilik.

Photo: zvg

Lydia Opilik grew up in Schwyz and has a broad musical education: in 2007 she graduated from the Lucerne University of Music with a teaching diploma in violin; she then studied at the Zurich University of the Arts (2009 concert diploma in singing) and at the "Conservatorium van Amsterdam", majoring in opera. She recently began studying cultural studies at the University of Lucerne.

This broad backpack should enable her to better understand and realize herself as an artist, musician and mediator. She also works as a teacher and has a busy concert schedule as a singer and violinist. Together with colleagues, she is the initiator of the Kulturschock project in Central Switzerland, which aims to open up classical music to a new, particularly younger audience.

For Lydia Opilik, New York is a great opportunity to develop musically and to be inspired - especially in the area of music education. The New York Philharmonic's Young Peoples Concert is one of the oldest concert series for young audiences. It wants to look over the shoulders of its creators and also use the existing network to work with the best singing teachers and répétiteurs.

Since the beginning of 2000, the Canton of Zug, together with the Canton of Schwyz, has been running a residential studio for artists in New York, in which the Cantons of Uri, Obwalden and Nidwalden are also involved. The grant, which is financed by the lottery fund, includes free use of the studio and a contribution towards living expenses. In addition to Lydia Opilik, the visual artist Patricia Jacomella Bonola (ZG) and the two visual artists Luca Schenardi and Lina Müller (Uri) are currently benefiting from the four-month studio grant.

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