Schaffhausen renews cultural service contracts

The city and canton of Schaffhausen have renewed the service agreements with eight of the most important service providers in the independent cultural scene. The contractual partners include the Schaffhausen Jazz Festival, the Kultur im Kammgarn association and the Tap Tab music association.

Urs Roellin. Photo: Francesca Pfeffer

The previous service agreements have proven their worth, the canton writes in a press release. The renewed performance agreements are also contracts that have been in place for several years. They are valid from 2016 to 2020, with the Kultur im Kammgarn association and the Tap Tab Musikverein from 2016 to 2018.

The unchanged annual support contributions from the canton and city of Schaffhausen together amount to CHF 132,000 for the Schaffhausen Jazz Festival, CHF 150,000 for the Kultur im Kammgarn association, CHF 84,000 for the Schauwerk, CHF 73,000 for the Theater Sgaramusch, CHF 35,000 for the Sommertheater, CHF 33,000 for the jugendclub momoll Theater and CHF 30,000 for the Tap Tab Musikverein.

The canton's contribution to the Vebikus Kunsthalle Schaffhausen association is being increased to CHF 70,000 per year. Following the departure of the Hallen für Neue Kunst, it is important to strengthen the area of contemporary art in an already established environment, writes the canton. To this end, it is necessary for the Vebikus exhibition space to reposition itself as an art gallery and expand and raise the profile of its program.

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