The canton of Vaud has a new head of culture

Nicole Minder, the current director of the Château de Prangins, will become head of culture for the canton of Vaud on April 1, 2016. The sociologist and cultural manager has her core competencies in the visual arts.

Photo: zvg

The new head of the SERAC (Service des affaires culturelles) of the canton of Vaud was curator at the Cabinet cantonal des estampes in Vevey from 1988. She has been director of the Château de Prangins since 2006. Since 2012, she has also been a lecturer in museum studies at the University of Neuchâtel.

Music, dance and theater are domains that the visual arts specialist still needs to familiarize herself with for her new role. In the newspaper "24heures", she explains that she has repeatedly come into contact with them thanks to her intensive interdisciplinary cultural work. As museum director, she has also built up a network with the performative arts.

Brigitte Waridel, who has headed the Vaud SERAC for 21 years, is retiring at the end of this year. According to the canton, there were 33 applications for her successor.

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