Michel Roth receives Kriens Culture Prize 2015

The composer and music theorist Michel Roth, who grew up in Kriens and works at the FHNW, has been awarded the Kriens Culture Prize 2015.

Photo: zvg

Michel Roth was born in 1976 and grew up in Lucerne. He studied composition in Basel with Roland Moser and Detlev Müller-Siemens and completed his studies in composition and music theory with honors. In 2002 he was appointed Professor of Music Theory and Composition in Lucerne. In collaboration with the Lucerne Festival Academy, he set up a Contemporary Art Performance course.

In 2011, he was appointed Professor of Composition and Music Theory at the Basel University of Music. He teaches composition and music theory at the Hochschule für Musik and is a research assistant in the Research and Development department.

Every year, the municipality of Kriens awards a cultural prize worth at least CHF 5,000 or a sponsorship prize. The prize is awarded to individuals who have "rendered outstanding services to art and culture in Kriens".


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