The Aarau Oxer becomes the Alte Reithalle

After Aarau was awarded the contract for an Aargau theater and dance venue with the Alte Reithalle, Argovia Philharmonic expressed interest in using the venue as a concert hall at the end of 2014. The evaluation is now to be relaunched.

Photo: City of Aarau

In spring, the Aarau city council commissioned Zurich-based theater expert Marco Läuchli to draw up an operating concept and a feasibility study for a theater, dance and music venue in the Alte Reithalle, according to a press release from the city. The aim was to assess whether a combination of theater, dance and music would make sense and be feasible both operationally and structurally. Both reports were positive.

The city council has now decided to have a preliminary project developed on the basis of this to clarify all the framework conditions - as part of the project planning credit granted in 2012 for the Oxer Theater and Dance House. Specifically, the investment and operating costs are to be verified, the organizational form and financing defined and the necessary contracts prepared.

Hanspeter Thür was appointed project coordinator in order to drive the project forward quickly. He will hold this position until the end of 2016 at the latest. Hanspeter Thür has been a member of the Oxer steering group since 2008. As the original Oxer project was expanded to include use as a concert hall, the city council decided to change the name at the same time. Aarau's future dance, theater and music venue is to be called "Alte Reithalle".

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