More event days for the Basel Tattoo

The Basel Tattoo military music festival continues to enjoy unbroken popularity. The cantonal government has also taken this into account: it has approved two additional event days for each of the next two years for the gathering of brass players and drummers from all over the world.

Basel Tattoo 2012 Photo: zvg

In recent years, the canton of Basel-Stadt has found that public demand for the six afternoon performances of the Basel Tattoo has been decreasing, as these are seen as less attractive than the evening performances. Now the event concept is to be optimized without placing an additional burden on the neighbourhood or local residents, as the canton asserts.

The Government Council has complied with the organizers' request for two additional event days each in 2016 and 2017. In return, the number of afternoon performances was reduced from six to three, resulting in a program reduced by one performance in total. A maximum of eleven evening performances are planned (previously nine). The previous six afternoon performances will be reduced by three. One of the remaining three performances on a Sunday afternoon will be specially geared towards children.

With around 120,000 visitors and a total of 1000 participants from all five continents, the Basel Tattoo is the most important open-air festival in Basel. It is now the second largest tattoo in the world.

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