A music concept for Haus Sonnenberg

A jury has selected the "Cantaleum Zurich" concept by Maja Coradi and Konrad von Aarburg for the future use of Haus Sonnenberg in Zurich. From July 2017, the municipal property in Hottingen will be used as a bilingual day school with a focus on music for 4 to 16-year-olds.

Photo: City of Zurich

The jury ─ consisting of three internal and two external jury members ─ was most impressed by the concept, according to a press release from the city. The jury was particularly impressed by the uniqueness of the offer and the fact that the house is once again being used by children.

It is planned that concerts by the Zurich Boys' Choir as well as school concerts by the girls' choir or instrumental ensembles will be held in Haus Sonnenberg. This will also make the building accessible to a wider public. "Cantaleum Zurich" also fits in well with the listed building; the new use requires only a few structural adjustments.

The aim of the privately run school is "to provide high-quality, child-oriented educational and musical support for 4 to 16-year-olds". It is based on the curriculum of the Canton of Zurich. The school will be bilingual (German and English) and organized as an all-day school. It is designed for 50 to 120 pupils.

Haus Sonnenberg was built in 1911 as an orphanage and was used by the Zurich Children's and Youth Homes Foundation (zkj) until 2015. The city put the new use and operation out to tender in November 2014. Five applications were submitted by March 2015. The aim of the tender was to find a self-sustaining, long-term use including an operator for the entire Sonnenberg building.

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