Boswil artists' house to be expanded

The Künstlerhaus Boswil Foundation is planning to add a foyer to the old church and convert the former Sigristenhaus into a contemporary course center. The cantonal government is providing CHF 3 million from the Swisslos fund for this purpose.

Photo: Voyager, wikimedia commons

After 45 years, the Künstlerhaus Boswil requires structural adaptations, writes the Canton of Aargau. The foundation is also planning to build a church foyer in order to offer the public contemporary visitor facilities (including sanitary facilities) in bad weather. The conversion of the historic Boswil Sigristenhaus, which dates back to 1675, envisages the creation of two rehearsal rooms and music studios, offices, storage and archive rooms as well as five guest rooms. 

With the contribution from the Swisslos fund, the cantonal government of Aargau is supporting the commitment of private individuals and foundations who are helping to finance the modernization: Around 2.5 million has already been raised through personal funds, foundations and private individuals. The previously used studio building is being sold to the local community of Boswil for the establishment of a village museum.

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