Commission wants to cut the federal government's culture budget

The Finance Committee of the National Council (FK-N) wants to cut the federal government's planned cultural expenditure for the years 2016 to 2020 by around CHF 65 million "in view of the difficult financial policy situation".

Bleak prospects for culture in the National Council? Photo: Parliamentary Services, 3003 Bern

In the dispatch on the promotion of culture for the years 2016 to 2020, the Federal Council is requesting funding of around CHF 1,126 million. In the co-report to the Committee for Science, Education and Culture (WBK-N), the majority of the Finance Committee (FK-N) requested that the funding be reduced by around CHF 65 million.

The proposal aims to reduce expenditure in the area of culture to the level envisaged in the financial plan of August 20, 2014. The proposal of the FK-N thus deviates from the decision of the Council of States, which even increased the Federal Council's proposal by 3 million.

As part of the parliamentary co-reporting procedure, the Finance Committee drafted numerous co-reports to legislative committees, according to the federal government's press release. In these reports, it draws attention to the new fiscal policy situation, which foresees considerable structural deficits in the coming years. This new starting position is caused by a sharp drop in tax revenue.

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