New mission statement for cultural promotion in Zurich

The Government Council of the Canton of Zurich has defined a new mission statement for the promotion of culture. In future, the international appeal of Zurich's cultural landscape is to be promoted. Cultural initiatives in the regions will also be emphasized.

Zurich Opera House, figure of the facade crowning. Photo: Andreas Praefcke/wikimedia commons

The new mission statement cites film-making and the opera house as international attractions. However, artists whose work radiates from Zurich beyond the country's borders would also contribute to this. Financial resources have been reserved for regional associations and cultural life in the municipalities from 2015. The canton intends to support interested regions with advice and networking services.

The future cantonal promotion of culture will also focus more on the entire creative process, from the artistic idea to its realization. The experience of culture is also a right to which all sections of the population are entitled, the canton continues. In future, cantonal cultural promotion will therefore also strengthen culture as a bridge between generations, regions, traditions and cultures.

The culture department ( intends to present the new mission statement at two public information events. They will take place on March 24 in Zurich and April 1 in Winterthur.

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