Cultural message receives support from the Council of States

The Education Committee of the Council of States has completed its detailed consultation on the Culture Dispatch and supports the majority of the Federal Council's proposal. It only proposes an increase of three million to support museums, collections and third-party networks.

Preliminary decision in the Federal Palace, early spring on the Bundesplatz. Photo: Parliamentary Service

The Committee for Science, Education and Culture of the Council of States (WBK-S) would like to support the cultural sector despite the current difficult financial situation and recognizes its importance for the cohesion and economy of the country, writes the Swiss Federal Council. The majority has therefore decided not to support any proposals for cuts and to follow the Federal Council's proposal of CHF 1.12 billion for the years 2016 - 2020 for all areas covered by the Federal Office of Culture, the Pro Helvetia Foundation and the Swiss National Museum.

This will increase the annual budget by an average of 3.4% compared to the 2012 - 2015 funding period. A minority of the committee is requesting that the dispatch be rejected and would like the Federal Council to draw up proposals for cuts of CHF 65.1 million. The Council of States is scheduled to discuss the matter in the 2015 spring session.

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