Freiburg scholarship for Manuel Oberholzer

On the recommendation of a jury of experts, the Directorate for Education, Culture and Sport (EKSD) of the Canton of Fribourg has awarded the 2015/16 scholarship for contemporary music creation, endowed with 30,000 francs, to the Fribourg artist Manuel Oberholzer - better known under the pseudonym Feldermelder.

Manuel Oberholzer aka Feldermelder (Image: zvg)

Following the call for applications, the Office for Culture received 21 applications. All genres of contemporary music were represented. After three rounds of deliberation, the jury decided unanimously in favor of Feldermelder's application. The electronic musician Manuel Oberholzer intends to use the grant to produce his fourth solo album, create two video clips, design his new show and launch a Europe-wide advertising campaign.

The expert jury was made up of Yvan Pochon, adjunct at the Office for Culture and president of the jury, René Aeberhard, cultural manager and member of the cantonal commission for cultural affairs, Anya della Croce, program director at Fri-Son, Gilles Dupuis, program director of the jazz cellar La Spirale, and Yann Zitouni, producer at French-speaking Switzerland Radio.

The Fribourg Scholarship for Contemporary Music was introduced in 2013; it amounts to a maximum of CHF 30,000 and is awarded every two years by the EKSD. The 2017/18 scholarship will be announced in fall 2016.


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