Changes to cultural funding in Valais

The reduction in funds available for culture in the 2015 budget has led the Department of Health, Social Affairs and Culture of the Canton of Valais to define new guidelines regarding subsidies for the promotion of culture.

Before an event in the arcaded courtyard of the Stockalper Palace in Brig. Photo: Roland Zumbühl, picswiss

According to a press release from the canton, the canton is maintaining its support where "its contribution as one of the main patrons is significant, but is reducing it where it is secondary". This has a particular impact on the promotion of music.

Only "concerts with professional orchestras consisting mainly of musicians and/or soloists who maintain regular, significant and sustainable relationships with the Valais and who promote the development and charisma of amateur formations at a high level" will be supported. Particular attention is paid to "the professionalism of the various parties involved, including the organizers, as well as the support provided by the municipalities and the musicians' fees".

In the performing arts, the staging or choreography of amateur productions by a professional director or choreographer will no longer be supported. In order to receive long-term support, the ensembles must demonstrate that they are capable of "performing their productions in professional circles". From now on, support for the programming of a professional theater in Valais will be announced as part of the annual budget.

The area of cultural promotion, under the responsibility of Axel Roduit, has been reorganized. The various divisions are now divided as follows: Axel Roduit, cultural advisor for music (MusikPro, music education), film, interdisciplinary projects and artist residencies; René-Philippe Meyer, from 1 March 2015, cultural advisor for visual arts (ArtPro) and performing arts (TheaterPro); Nicole Grieve, responsible for mediation, cultural advisor for literature, science and cultural assets, mediation programs and the Kulturfunken institution; Jacques Cordonier, head of service, responsible for the Culture and Tourism Fund in collaboration with the Economic Development Department.

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