Cultural and creative industries in Europe

A study presented in Brussels by EY (formerly Ernst & Young) entitled "Creating growth: Capturing the markets of the cultural and creative industries in the EU" concludes that the cultural and creative industries make a significant contribution to the European economy.

Photo: Rainer Sturm/

With an economic weight of 535.9 billion euros and 7.1 million jobs, the NPP is one of the most important employers in the EU and employs almost as many people as the hospitality industry, writes EY. At the same time, it employs two and a half times more people than the automotive industry and five times as many as the telecommunications sector.

Eleven submarkets were analyzed for the study: Books, newspapers and magazines, music, performing arts, TV, film, radio, video games, visual arts, architecture and advertising. It was commissioned by the GESAC (European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers).

The study can be downloaded at can be downloaded.

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