Ullrich leaves Basel Office for Culture

62-year-old Niggi Ullrich, Head of kulturelles.bl, is leaving the Office of Culture of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft on December 31, 2014. He has worked for the Department of Education, Culture and Sport since May 1988.

Photo: SRG

"During his time in office, Ullrich "made a significant contribution to the promotion and strengthening of cultural creation in the Basel area and to the cultural policy development of the Basel region with great commitment", writes the canton.

The cultural.bl department of the Education, Culture and Sport Directorate of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft supports professional art and culture in the Basel region. It conveys and promotes culture in all its diversity, with a particular focus on the promotion of contemporary art.

The management position of the cultural.bl department will be publicly advertised and should be filled in good time.

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