Solothurn honors J. J. Flück and Jazz im Chutz

The 2014 Solothurn Art Prize, endowed with 20,000 francs, goes to actor Mike Müller. Joachim Johannes Flück and the Jazz im Chutz association received an award for music.

J. J. Flück. Photo: zvg

The Solothurn drummer Joachim Johannes Flück, known in the Swiss music scene as "J.J. Flück", was born in Olten and now lives in Halten. He is the musical director and/or drummer in various bands, including that of the well-known Swiss rapper Greis and his own, "JJ's Hausband".

The "Jazz im Chutz Solothurn" association was founded by Rolf Rickenbacher, Beat Meier and Christof Vonlanthen in 1980. The original aim of the association was to offer graduates of Swiss jazz schools opportunities to perform - in preparation for their future professional careers. The "Chutz" soon developed into a meeting place for jazz musicians and jazz lovers. Since then, all the jazz personalities of the Swiss jazz scene, as well as established jazz greats from abroad, have played at the "Chutz".

A total of eight artists will receive awards, each worth CHF 10,000. In addition to Flück and the Jazz im Chutz association, these are Daniel Gaemperle, painter (prize for painting), Pedro Lenz, writer (prize for literature), Patrick Lüthy, photographer (prize for photography), Kerstin Schult, cultural mediator (prize for cultural mediation), Rhaban Straumann, theater maker (prize for acting) and Barbara Wiggli, sculptor (prize for sculpture and object art). A recognition prize of CHF 10,000 also goes to the "Tanz in Olten" association.

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