Start-up weekend for the creative industries

In October, the first young entrepreneur event explicitly for the creative industries takes place in Zurich. 100 participants will develop new business ideas in the field of art and culture at ewz Selnau, accompanied by coaches and experts.

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The Startup Weekend (October 3-5) is a non-stop entrepreneurship event that focuses on targeted input, networking and work. Participants go through the entire process of creating a startup in one weekend, from Friday to Sunday evening, and are supported by a professional team and renowned experts in terms of financing, marketing, strategy and feasibility. At the end, they present their business models to a jury of investors and experts. 

The participants are supported by a team of students, who implement the event operationally, and an advisory board. Sponsors include Migros Engagement and Pro Helvetia, as well as the canton and city of Zurich's location promotion agency, representatives of the universities and various cultural entrepreneurs. Gebert Rüf Stiftung also makes a financial contribution.

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