Reclaims from the canton of Basel-Landschaft

The government council of the canton of Basel-Landschaft wants to reclaim compensation paid to several people in connection with the representation of the canton in institutions with cantonal participation. The head of the Cultural Affairs Department, who may initially also be affected, will be removed from the firing line.

Government building in Liestal. Photo: ©

According to a statement from the canton, the Basel-Landschaft cantonal audit office found in an audit report in mid-December 2013 that institutions in which the canton holds a stake had paid out compensation to cantonal representatives that had not been properly accounted for. As a result, the cantonal government commissioned law professor emeritus Enrico Riva to examine the canton's claims for repayment.

The Riva report states that, according to the Personnel Decree, all employees of the canton must hand over any remuneration they receive in connection with the performance of duties on behalf of and in the interests of the canton. The report also states that this also applies to members of the cantonal government.

Former member of the cantonal government Adrian Ballmer, the late former member of the cantonal government Peter Zwick, member of the cantonal government Urs Wüthrich and former land registrar Walter Mundschin are affected by a clawback.

For former member of the cantonal government Jörg Krähenbühl, President of the cantonal government Isaac Reber, member of the cantonal government Anton Lauber, member of the cantonal government Thomas Weber, member of the cantonal government Sabine Pegoraro and Niggi Ullrich, Head of the Cultural Affairs Department, who have also been listed in previous reports, there are no claims for repayment, even taking into account the review of the remaining mandates and shareholdings that has been carried out in the meantime, the canton writes further.

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