Opportunities for Winterthur's culture and creative industries

A recent study by the ZHAW School of Management and Law highlights development opportunities for culture and the creative industries in Winterthur and the region.

Photo: Rainer Sturm/pixelio.de

The Center for Cultural Management (ZKM) at the ZHAW School of Management and Law has conducted an empirical study to collect relevant data and development scenarios for Winterthur and the region for the first time. According to the press release, the great opportunity for Winterthur and the region lies in stronger networking between the various submarkets of culture and the creative industries.

Winterthur's size favors independent developments that can be used more economically. This requires innovative ideas and a focus on potential customers and clients.

The study was commissioned by the City of Winterthur, the Winterthur Region Location Promotion Agency and the Office of Economy and Labor of the Canton of Zurich. The publisher is the Center for Cultural Management at the ZHAW School of Management and Law. The study is based on statistical structural data from the 2008 business census.

Based on this, stakeholders and companies from the various submarkets of the cultural and creative industries in Winterthur and the region were asked about their working methods, experiences and assessments by means of a quantitative online survey, expert interviews and focus group discussions.

Download the study:


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