Suisseculture welcomes copyright initiative

Suisseculture, the umbrella organization of professional cultural and media professionals in Switzerland, is pleased to note that the Federal Council sees a need for action in the area of copyright enforcement and intends to tackle legislative amendments.

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Suisseculture expects that, in addition to contemporary adjustments to the enforcement of the law, new forms of remuneration corresponding to digital uses in favor of the entitled creative artists will also be included in the amendment of the law.
Income from copyrights has collapsed in recent years. However, they are vital for many creative artists.

On the other hand, file-sharing and piracy platforms generate millions in profits from the proceeds of artistic works without adequately compensating the authors and performers for their works.

Suisseculture appeals to the Federal Council to press ahead with the revision as quickly as possible and to immediately take preventive and educational measures that are possible even without amending the law.

The Federal Council wants to modernize copyright law and adapt the rights and obligations of creative artists, consumers and providers to the reality of the Internet with targeted measures. The Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP) will prepare a draft for consultation by the end of 2015.

On the one hand, it will base this on recommendations adopted by the working group on copyright law (AGUR12). On the other hand, the FDJP will take into account the findings of a working group that is currently examining the civil liability of providers in general.

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