Suisa makes more turnover in the online sector

At this year's Annual General Meeting, Suisa announced an increase in income from copyrights from CHF 131.7 million to CHF 135.7 million. Christian Fighera, co-director of the Lausanne-based music company Two Gentlemen, was newly elected to the Board of Directors.

Photo: Comugnero Silvana -

According to Suisa, the Swiss Cooperative Society of Authors and Publishers of Music, income from the exploitation of copyrights in Switzerland and abroad rose by 3% to CHF 135.7 million in 2013 (previous year: CHF 131.7 million). Total sales including ancillary revenues amounted to CHF 144.9 million in 2013, which corresponds to an increase of 2.7% compared to the previous year (CHF 141 million). With administrative expenses of CHF 26.9 million, the average cost deduction amounted to 12.47%.

The online growth shows that Suisa is also playing an increasingly important role for authors and publishers of music in this market, writes the cooperative. In addition to the existing agreements with market-leading providers such as Spotify, iTunes and YouTube, more will be added this year. Suisa agreed international licenses with online providers for the first time last year.
The Internet music services thus receive a direct license for use outside Switzerland.

However, income from the online business cannot compensate for the continuing decline in the production of sound recordings. According to Suisa, income from blank media royalties is lagging behind the market trend. Although this income did not decline for the first time in many years (4.1
million francs). Due to a pending decision by the Federal Administrative Court, no compensation for smartphones could be invoiced for private copying.

Suisa was able to record significantly higher income from the concert sector (performance rights) last year. In 2013, this area grew by 11% to CHF 47.2 million (previous year: CHF 42.5 million). However, broadcasting rights again accounted for the largest share of revenue in 2013 with income of CHF 60.8 million.

In place of Jean-Michel Valet, who is stepping down from the Board after seven years, the Annual General Meeting elected Christian Fighera, co-director of the Lausanne-based company Two Gentlemen, to the Board.

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