YouTube puts pressure on independent providers

YouTube has given independent music companies an ultimatum. If they do not sign a new contract, their content will be blocked. The German Association of Independent Music Companies (VUT) and the WIN (Worldwide Independent Network) are fighting back.

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In contrast to the agreements with the three major labels (Sony, Warner and Universal), an agreement with the independent music companies is still pending, writes the VUT. As the independent music companies, with their market share of 30 percent, supply a large proportion of the content for providers such as YouTube, VUT expects YouTube to enter into further negotiations in order to reach a fair solution.

According to WIN and VUT members, the terms of the new YouTube contract are "extremely unfavorable and non-negotiable". At the same time, the remuneration is below the prices paid by other streaming services such as Spotify. The VUT therefore emphasizes its demand that music services must not discriminate against independents.

In recent days, WIN has been negotiating with YouTube to find a solution, so far without success.

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