Schwyz offers grants for music

In 2014, the Cultural Commission of the Canton of Schwyz is once again holding a competition for works by artists - this year in the field of music. Applications can be submitted until August 29, 2014.

Government building in Schwyz. Photo: Roland Zumbühl, picswiss

The aim of awarding work grants is to provide direct and personal support. The contributions (e.g. composition contribution, musicological work, musical innovations or similar) are intended to make it easier for musicians to devote themselves to their work for a certain period of time.

The application can, but does not have to be tied to a project. Above all, it needs a convincing artistic intention. Musicians of all styles who have lived in the canton of Schwyz for at least three years, have lived in the canton of Schwyz for at least 15 years or whose work has a close connection to the canton are eligible to apply.

A convincing artistic track record is required. Individuals and bands can apply. There are no contributions for initial training or projects that are realized as part of basic training. A maximum total amount of CHF 50,000 is available.

More info: (Category Cultural promotion, subcategory Work contributions)

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