Lucerne's head of culture steps down

Nathalie Unternährer, Head of Cultural Promotion in the Canton of Lucerne, is stepping down from her position at the end of August 2014 for personal reasons. She will take over as Head of the Culture Department at the Christoph Merian Foundation in Basel.

Photo: zvg

Nathalie Unternährer has headed the Culture Division of the Department of Education and Culture since January 2013. During this time, she initiated the consultation process and the associated revision of the planning report on cultural promotion, which will be discussed in the Lucerne cantonal parliament this summer.

For family reasons, Nathalie Unternährer will be moving to Basel to live and work. Karin Pauleweit, the responsible head of service at the Department of Education and Culture, would like to take this opportunity to thank Nathalie Unternährer for her dedicated commitment to promoting culture in the canton of Lucerne, writes the canton.

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