Chur Recognition Award for Rolf Caflisch

This year, the city of Chur is awarding one recognition prize each to the visual artist Ursula Palla and the musician Rolf Caflisch. The band Waving Hands with Hannes Barfuss and Yassin Mahdi and the theater group Stevvi Production are among the recipients of sponsorship awards.

Rolf Caflisch with Led Airbus in the Alte Kaserne Zurich. Photo: Aaron Schwartz

Rolf Caflisch, born in 1978, is being honored for his many years of cultural commitment and musical work in the field of jazz. The sponsorship award goes to the band Waving Hands with Hannes Barfuss (*1990) and Yassin Mahdi (*1990) for their experimental soundscapes and creative music videos. Both the recognition and sponsorship prizes are endowed with CHF 4000 each.

Rolf Caflisch, who comes from Chur and Trin, is a member of various music formations in the fields of pop, rock, folk and jazz, is involved in a wide variety of projects as a freelancer and studio musician and is the initiator and organizer of the concert series JazzTga-min, ParkUnplugged and WEEKLY Jazz.

As a drummer and band coach, Rolf Caflisch teaches at various music schools. He studied at the Idruma in Lisbon, the jazz school in St. Gallen and the Rhythmstixx drum school in Bern.

The band Waving Hands with Hannes Barfuss and Yassin Mahdi has been playing in Chur, Graubünden and throughout Switzerland since 2012. The music, electropop in the broadest sense, radiates warmth, experimentation and diversity. In 2013, Waving Hands was invited by Swiss television to take part in the concert show 8×15. They also took part in the Migros Culture Percentage's m4music pop music festival in the competition for the best demo tape of the year.


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