Call for entries for the Zug Year of Work 2014

The Zug cantonal government is awarding a sum of CHF 50,000 to an artist from Zug. The application deadline for the music category is May 20.

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According to the call for applications, anyone wishing to apply for the Werkjahr must be at least 30 years old, have lived in the canton of Zug for three years or have lived there for ten years at an earlier stage. An outstanding artistic achievement or a convincing project is required. Previous work must have both a regional and national impact.

Applications for the music category must be submitted to the Office for Culture by May 20. The submitted documentation will be publicly exhibited in the Zug Chollerhalle from July 3 to 6. An audition will take place on July 8 at the Zug Music School. The jury's decision in September will be based on the documentation and the audition. Finally, the prizes will be awarded on October 2 in the Chollerhalle Zug.

Registration forms and conditions of participation can be found on the Internet at or from the Directorate for Education and Culture, Office for Culture, Baarerstrasse 19, 6300 Zug, phone 041/728 31 46, can be obtained.

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