Second Heidelberg Music Conference

Switzerland is prominently represented at the second Heidelberg Music Conference, which deals with "Innovation as part of a holistic strategy for cultural institutions" under the title "Creating something new instead of copy & paste".

Photo: heidelberg music conference 2013

Participants include the directors of major festivals and concert halls from Germany, Austria and Switzerland - including Martin Engström (Verbier Festival), Michael Häfliger (Lucerne Festival) and Ilona Schmiel (Tonhalle Zurich) - as well as other experts. Each panel will be introduced by a keynote speech from music journalists from national German daily newspapers, including NZZ critic Peter Hagmann.

The market research company GIM is also conducting an explorative trend study on the topic of "Innovation in the cultural sector", the initial evaluations of which will be presented during the conference.

Blogger Ulrike Schmid will be following the entire conference live on Twitter (#hdmc), and all panels will also be documented on video and published online a few days later at to be seen.

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