Implementation of the music curriculum in the canton of Schwyz

The Schwyz cantonal councillors Mathias Bachmann, Adrian Oberlin, Heinz Theiler and Andreas Marty wanted to know from the cantonal government how it intends to implement the federal constitutional article on music education, which was also adopted by the Schwyz electorate. The executive has now responded.

Tower of Schwyz town hall. Photo: Roland Zumbühl, picswiss

According to the current timetable, at least one music lesson should be included in each school year, writes the cantonal government. The option of scheduling a second music lesson per week at primary school level is being abandoned in favor of math and German, particularly in the upper classes.

In summer 2013, the training profile at the University of Teacher Education was broadened again with ten subjects. As a result, all prospective primary school teachers will once again be trained in music (music, rhythmic instrumental lessons and solo singing). The broader training facilitates interdisciplinary teaching. This supports the cantonal intention to continue to have the subject of music taught by primary school teachers at primary level.

The future direction of music as a subject is currently being determined in the Swiss-German Curriculum 21 development project, the cantonal government added. The possible decision by the Education Council on the cantonal introduction and implementation of the new curriculum is planned for summer 2015.

The entire response of the Government Council:

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