Head of cultural promotion in Zurich resigns

After 17 years as head of cultural promotion in the canton of Zurich, Susanna Tanner is stepping down from her position at the end of August 2014. Tanner, who turns 60 this year, is leaving the position at her own request.

Getting a lot of Zurich culture rolling. Photo: Tram on the Quaibrücke, picswiss

During Susanna Tanner's time in office, numerous changes were made to the canton's cultural funding. For example, small and medium-sized cultural centers now receive significantly more operating subsidies than in the past, writes the Zurich cantonal government in its official statement.

The change of artistic director at the Zurich Opera House was a success, and the Theater Kanton Zürich was artistically successful. With Tanner's involvement, it was also possible to found and establish the Zurich Film Foundation and secure an intercantonal cultural agreement with revenues of eight million francs for the canton of Zurich.

Tanner has restructured the department itself several times over the 17 years, as the budget and number of staff have grown.

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