Canton and city of Lucerne with a joint cultural strategy

The canton and city of Lucerne are coordinating their cultural strategies. The large cultural institutions are to be financed jointly. The focus is also on prospects for professional and independent theater, festival funding and non-institutional cultural funding.

View of the city of Lucerne from the KKL. Photo: Paolo, wikimedia commons

The canton and city of Lucerne are continuing to develop the special-purpose association of major cultural institutions, according to the official press release issued today. In addition to the Lucerne Theater, the Art Museum and the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra (LSO), the Swiss Museum of Transport, the Lucerne Festival and the Museum Rosengart will now be financed via the special-purpose association.

Due to the funding ratio of 70% canton and 30% city that applies within the special-purpose association, the city has around one million francs per year at its disposal for the implementation of other measures as part of the Culture Agenda 2020.
In addition, the canton and city of Lucerne contribute to the maintenance of the KKL Luzern for the
next 15 years. The canton pays CHF 0.5 million a year for maintenance, while the city continues to pay CHF 4.1 million, which will be adjusted for inflation from 2019.

The canton and city will each make a one-off payment of CHF 2.5 million for the long-term maintenance of the building's value. In addition, the KKL will receive financial support for the roof renovation in the form of guarantees from the city (CHF 4.5 million) and the canton (CHF 9 million).

The canton of Lucerne wants to create better production conditions for cultural professionals and event organizers and ensure an internationally competitive offering in certain areas. It promotes the independent scene more strongly and guarantees the further development of large cultural institutions.

The city, in turn, ensures a broad, diverse cultural production that attracts amateurs and
professionals are given equal consideration. The FUKA fund, which is financed by the ticket tax, is primarily responsible for individual support.

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