Performance Award 2013 for Jung and Baumgartner

The national Performance Prize Switzerland competition has been held in Basel. The winners are Florence Jung - who receives prize money of CHF 22,500 - and HKB graduate Nino Baumgartner (prize money of CHF 10,000).

Nino Baumgartner in "Maneuvers and Formations", photo: Eliane Rutishauser / Performance Prize Switzerland

Seven artists and artist groups were nominated for this prize in a preliminary round and presented live performances at the Kaserne Basel. The public event, at which a wide range of contemporary approaches to performance art could be discovered, was attended by around 180 people.

A five-member jury decided to award two performances with the available prize money totaling 32,500 francs. The prizes also included an audience prize, which was awarded to Nico Baumgartner.

This year, the Swiss Performance Award was announced and judged for the third time in a partnership between the Canton of Basel-Stadt, the Canton of Aargau and the City of Geneva. The partnership was initiated by Kunstkredit Basel-Stadt, which has organized an annual national performance competition since 2005. In 2014, the City of Geneva will host the Swiss Performance Prize for the second time.

About the photo: Florence Jung names "the secret, the doubt, the rumor and the non-place as the fundamental parameters of her work" and asked for the cameras to be switched off.

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