Basel to provide increased support for two orchestras

The Government Council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt is applying to the Grand Council for subsidies for the kammerorchesterbasel and the basel sinfonietta for the years 2014/15, which significantly exceed the previous subsidies.

kammerorchesterbasel, Photo: Lukas Gysin

The kammerorchesterbasel is to receive annual funding of CHF 505,000 for 2014/15. This corresponds to an increase of CHF 150,000 per year. According to the canton, this increase will help ensure that the ensemble can pay its musicians in line with the Swiss Music Association's rates over the next ten years.

For the same period, the basel sinfonietta is to receive annual support contributions of CHF 334,000, CHF 100,000 more per year than before. In order to achieve planning security, the basel sinfonietta is dependent on a solid increase in basic funding from state contributions. The orchestra has earned an excellent reputation for its quality and its specific program, explains the government council. 

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