The German Federal Labor Court (BAG) has ruled that there is no legal entitlement to adjust the remuneration of orchestra musicians in line with the public sector - despite previous practice.

The Deutsche Orchestervereinigung e.V. (DOV) was thus unable to prevail against the Arbeitgeberverband Deutscher Bühnenverein (DBV) in the final instance.

Since 2010, the DBV had refused to continue to implement the collective agreement regulation on the transfer of wage percentages to state and municipal orchestras, which has been in force for decades. As a result, collectively agreed orchestra remuneration is currently around 8 percent below that of public sector employees.

DOV Managing Director Gerald Mertens regrets the BAG's decision and "is now calling on the German Stage Association to finally conclude new pay scales for state and municipal orchestras without delay by means of a collective agreement that makes up for all percentage increases by state and local authorities since 2010".

Unfortunately, the DOV writes in an official press release that there is now a risk of massive wage conflicts every year. .

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