City of Biel seeks culture prize winner

Every year, the City of Biel awards the Cultural Prize of the City of Biel, endowed with CHF 10,000, and also honours individuals or organizations for their cultural achievements. No monetary prize is associated with the award.

Photo: © International Chess Festival Biel

The City of Biel/Bienne Culture Prize is awarded to individuals, groups of people or organizations for significant cultural achievements. The prizewinner or the work must have a connection to the city or region of Biel/Bienne.

Cultural organizations and interested individuals are invited to submit proposals to the Cultural Commission. The award for cultural merit can be presented to individuals or organizations that have made a significant contribution to the cultural life of the city or region.

The proposals should contain the following information: brief personal details and biography of the nominee, the cultural work of the nominee and the cultural merits of the nominee.

Proposals can be submitted by August 14, 2013 at the latest with the reference "Kulturpreis". Further information and the guidelines for the 2013 Culture Prize can be found at


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