Roland Inauen, the current head of the Canton of Appenzell I. Rh. cultural office, has been elected Landammann at the Landsgemeinde. The Estates Commission has appointed 54-year-old Ottilia Dörig-Heim as his successor in the Cultural Office. She takes up her position with immediate effect.

Appenzell-born Ottilia Dörig-Heim was elected to the Appenzell school board in 2000 and served as president of the Appenzell school community from 2006 to 2012. Since 2012, she has represented Innerrhoden on the Board of Trustees of the Roth-Haus curative education school in Teufen. She has also worked as a biology assistant at the St. Antonius secondary school in Appenzell for seventeen years. Ottilia Dörig-Heim is married and the mother of two grown-up daughters.

The Cultural Office coordinates the promotion and preservation of culture in the Canton of Appenzell I.Rh. It is also responsible for the specialist departments for monument preservation and archaeology, as well as managing the secretariat of the Innerrhoden Art Foundation and the Innerrhoder Schriften publishing commission.

Networking with those responsible for culture in other cantons and neighboring countries is an important part of the job. The position comprises a workload of 40 percent.

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