The city and canton of Lucerne and the KKL Luzern agree on a financing model for maintaining the value of the KKL until 2028 and a model for pre-financing the repairs to the roof by means of a loan. The city and canton also want to coordinate their cultural funding.

The city and canton are each making a one-off investment contribution of CHF 2.5 million. The private foundation Konzerthaus Luzern represents the private part of the KKL Luzern public-private partnership and is to contribute around CHF 3 million in a new fundraising campaign.

The city of Lucerne also pays annual contributions of CHF 4.1 million, with an inflation adjustment to be made for the first time in 2019. What is new is that the Canton of Lucerne will also pay an annual contribution of CHF 500,000 to maintain the long-term value of the KKL Luzern.

The city and canton of Lucerne are also planning to publish their parliamentary bills on cultural promotion at the same time, as they are closely related and coordinated in terms of content. The corresponding parliamentary debates are expected to take place in January 2014.

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