The empirical study "Sponsor Visions Switzerland 2012" by the ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences) School of Management and Law and the Professional Association for Sponsoring (FASPO), available at the end of April, provides information on the status and trends in the Swiss sponsorship market - also in comparison with Germany.

According to an article by Leticia Labaronne on the study in the magazine "", music, especially classical music, is most frequently supported, followed by rock, pop and jazz. Performing arts are the second most frequently supported, especially drama, theater, opera and operetta. Film, including festivals, follows in third place.

However, the study also observes a shift within the music sector: sponsorship for rock and pop music will increase, while it will decrease slightly for classical music.

According to Labaronne, in addition to image enhancement (78 %), customer loyalty (63 %) plays a decisive role in cultural sponsorship, while the promotion of brand awareness, the assumption of social responsibility or employee motivation play a subordinate role.

According to Labaronne, cultural sponsorship is not only financial. The companies surveyed also supported culture in the form of services (46 %), primarily with marketing and communication, as well as benefits in kind (39 %) such as the provision of products or infrastructure.

The study can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet from the end of April at the following address

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