Minimalist design in Basel

The music departments in Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft are opposing a de facto reduction in music lessons at lower secondary level. One of their complaints is that music and visual arts would be massively devalued by being moved to the compulsory elective area, which would run counter to the new federal constitutional article on music education adopted by the electorate. This reduction was discussed at the Volkshaus in Basel on February 27.

Manfred Walker /

Anyone who believed that the very clear approval of the constitutional article on music education by voters last fall would have strengthened the future position of music as a subject in Basel schools has been proven wrong by the current plans of the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft as part of the implementation of HarmoS. On the contrary: music lessons are being massively reduced, particularly in Basel-Stadt, and downgraded to a (deselectable) minor subject at secondary level. In addition, the basic music courses in Basel-Stadt are to be taken away from the aegis of the Music Academy, although this model has proven its worth for over 40 years.

Basic course teachers: Responsibility now lies with the elementary school
In Basel-Stadt, the basic course teachers were previously, uniquely in Switzerland, under the direct supervision of the music academy. Stephan Schmidt, Director of the Basel Music Academy, referred to the many years of good experience with the current model and warned of a foreseeable long-term loss of quality; if the teachers also had to teach other subjects in the future, it would hardly be possible to achieve the same quality as with "only" musicians, who are also highly motivated to teach their subject. Benno Graber from the Basel-Landschaft Office for Primary Schools replied that these fears had not come true in Baselland and emphasized the advantage of integrating music teachers into the respective school culture and the contact with colleagues. In addition, postgraduate training in music could be completed if required. Schmidt put this into perspective: a shorter postgraduate course could in no way make up for a well-founded education. The panel identified a fundamental problem in teacher training itself, where music can be opted out of.

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